


Carnegie Learning® crosswalk to Amplify Desmos Math free lessons



Grade 6

Module 1: Composing and Decomposing

Topic 1: Factors and Multiples

MATHbook Lesson 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
MATHbook Lesson 5: Yours IS to Reason Why!


Topic 2: Area, Volume, and Surface Area

MATHbook Lesson 1: All About That Base….and Height
MATHbook Lesson 2: Slicing and Dicing: Composit Figure


Topic 3: Decimals

MATHbook Lesson 1: You Have a Point
MATHbook Lesson 2: Get In Line
MATHbook Lesson 4: Dividend In the House


Topic 4: Fraction by Fraction Division

MATHia Lesson 1: Representing Fraction Division


Topic 5: Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals

MATHia Lesson 2: Developing Area Formulas
MATHia Lesson 3: Calculating Areas of Various Figures


Topic 6: Composite Figures

MATHia Lesson 2: Calculating Area of Composite Figures


Topic 8: Surface Area of Regulat Prisms and Pyramids

MATHia Lesson 1: Determing Surface Area Using Nets


Module 2: Relating Quantitites

Topic 1: Ratios

MATHbook Lesson 2: Going Strong
MATHbook Lesson 3: Different but the Same
MATHbook Lesson 4: A trip to the Moon


Topic 2: Percents

MATHbook Lesson 2: Warming the Bench


Topic 3: Using Tables to Represent Equivalent Ratios

MATHbook Lesson 1: Many ways to Measure
MATHbook Lesson 2: What is the Best Buy?
MATHbook Lesson 3: A Trip to the Moon
MATHia Lesson 2: Using Tables to Determine Equivalent Ratios
MATHia Lesson 3: Problem Solving with Equivalent Rations and Rates using Tables


Topic 9: Introduction to Unit Rate

MATHia Lesson 2: Determining and Comparing Rates


Module 3: Determining Unknown Values

Topic 2: Equations

MATHbook Lesson 2: Double Talk
MATHbook Lesson 3: Play It in Reverse
MATHbook Lesson 4: One, None, or a Ton
MATHbook Lesson 5: Getting Real


Topic 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

MATHbook Lesson 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks


Topic 6: Solving One-Step Addition and Subtraction Equations

MATHia Lesson 1: Exploring One-Step Equations with Double-Number Lines


Topic 7: Solving One-Step Multiplication and Division Equations

MATHia Lesson 1: Using Double Number Lines to Solve One-Step Multiplicaiton Equations


Topic 8: Solving One-Step Equations with Decimals and Fractions

MATHia Lessons 1-4:


Module 4: Moving Beyond Positive Quantities

Topic 1: Signed Numbers

MATHbook Lesson 1: Signed Numbers


Topic 1: Introduction to Negative Numbers

MATHia Lesson 2: Representing Integers on Number Lines


Module 5: Describing Variability of Quantities

Topic 1: The Statical Process

MATHbook Lesson 3: Skyscrapers


Topic 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

MATHbook Lesson 1: In the Middle
MATHbook Lesson 3: March MADness


Topic 2: Analyzing Numeric Data Displays

MATHia Lesson 1: Creating Dot Plots


Grade 7

Module 1: Thinking Proportionally

Topic 1: Circles and Ratios

MATHbook Lesson 1: Pi: The Ultimate Ratio
MATHbook Lesson 2: That’s a Spicy Pizza!
MATHbook Lesson 2: Circular Reasoning
MATHbook Lesson 4: Pound for Pount, Inch for Inch


Topic 2: Proportionality

MATHbook Lesson 1: Poultry in Motion
MATHbook Lesson 6: Minding Your Ps and Qs


Topic 3: Proportional Relationships

MATHbook Lesson 1: Markups and Markdowns
MATHbook Lesson 4: More Ups and Downs


Topic 3: Scale and Scale Drawing

MATHia Lesson 1: Critical Attributes of Similar Figures
MATHia Lesson 3: Calculating Measurements Using Scale


Topic 4: Ratio Representations

MATHia Lesson 2: Determining Characteristics of Graphs of Proportional Relationships


Topic 11: Introducing Proportions to Solve Percent Problems

MATHia Lesson 2: Solving Simple Percent Problems


Topic 13: Percent Increase and Percent Decrease

MATHia Lesson 1: Calculating Percent Change and Final Amounts


Module 2: Operating with Signed Numbers

Topic 1: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

MATHbook Lesson 1: Math Football
MATHbook Lesson 2: Walk the Line
MATHbook Lesson 4: What’s the Difference?


Topic 5: Rewriting Expressions

MATHia Lesson 2: Evaluating Simple Numberic Expressions with Integers


Topic 6: Using Number Properties to Interpret Expressions with Signed Numbers

MATHia Lesson 2: Operating with Signed Decimals


Module 3: Reasoning Algebraically

Topic 1: Two-Step Expressions and Equations

MATHbook Lesson 4: Formally Yours


Topic 2: Multiple Representations of Equations and Inequalities

MATHbook Lesson 3: Solving Inequalities with Inverse Operations
MATHbook Lesson 4: Deep Dive


Topic 1: Rewriting Algebraic Expressions

MATHia Lesson 2: Rewriting Algebraic Expressions Involving Integer Coefficients


Topic 8: Solving Inequalities with Inverse Operations

MATHia Lesson 3: Solving Two-Step Inequalities


Module 4: Analyzing Populations and Probabilities

Topic 1: Introduction to Probability

MATHbook Lesson 1: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling…
MATHbook Lesson 2: Give the Model a Chance


Topic 3: Drawing Inferences

MATHbook Lesson 2: Tiles, Gumballs, and Pumpkins


Module 5: Constructing and Measuring

Topic 1: Angles and Triangles

MATHbook Lesson 2: Special Delivery
MATHbook Lesson 3: Consider Every Side


Topic 1: Special Angle Relationships

MATHia Lesson 2: Exploring Angle Relationships
MATHia Lesson 3: Solving for Angle Measures


Grade 8

Module 1: Transforming Geometric Objects

Topic 1: Rigit Motion Transformaitons

MATHbook Lesson 1: Patty Paper, Patty Paper
MATHbook Lesson 2: Slides, Flips, and Spins
MATHbook Lesson 3: Lateral Moves
MATHbook Lesson 4: Mirror, Mirror
MATHbook Lasson 5: Half Turnsa and Quarter Turns
MATHbook Lesson 6: Every Which Way


Topic 2: Dilations

MATHbook Lesson 1: Pinch-Zoom Geometry
MATHbook Lesson 2: Rising, Running, Stepping, Scaling
MATHbook Lesson 3: From Here to There


Topic 3: Line and Angle Relationships

MATHbook Lesson 2: Crisscrsoss Applesauce


Topic 1: Rigid Motion in the Coordinate Plane

MATHia Lesson 1: Experimenting with Rigid Motion


Module 2: Modeling Linear Relationships

Topic 1: From Proportions to Linear Relationships

MATHbook Lesson 2: Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill
MATHbook Lesson 4: Up, Down, and All Around


Topic 2: Modeling Linear Relationships

MATHbook Lesson 2: Been There, Done That, Got the T-shirt
MATHbook Lesson 3: Dining, Dancing, Driving
MATHbook Lesson 4: Derby Day


Topic 3: Systems of Linear Equations

MATHbook Lesson 1: Crossing Paths
MATHbook Lesson 2: The Road Less Traveled


Topic 11: Solving Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides

MATHia Lesson 3: Solving with Variables on Both Sides with Rationals


Module 3: Developing Function Foundations

Topic 1: Introduction to Functions

MATHbook Lesson 1: Patterns, Sequences, Rules…
MATHbook Lesson 2: Once Upon a Graph
MATHbook Lesson 4: Over the River and Through the Woods


Topic 2: Patterns in Bivariate Data

MATHbook Lesson 1: Pass the Squeeze
MATHbook Lesson 2: Off the Chain
MATHbook Lesson 3: Mia is Growing Like a Weed
MATHbook Lesson 4: The Stroop Test
MATHbook Lesson 5: Would You Rather…?


Topic 4: Drawing Lines of Best Fit

MATHia Lesson 1: Estimating Lines of Best Fit
MATHia Lesson 2: Using Lines of Best Fit


Module 4: Expanding Number Systems

Topic 2: Pythagorean Theorem

MATHbook Lesson 1: The Right Connection
MATHbook Lesson 4: Catty Corner


Topic 1: The Real Number System

MATHia Lesson 2: Graphing Real Numbers on the Number Line


Module 5: Applying Powers

Topic 1: Exponents and Scientific Notation

MATHbook Lesson 1: It’s a Generational Thing
MATHbook Lesson 2: Show What You Know
MATHbook Lesson 3: The Big and Small of It
MATHbook Lesson 4: How Much Larger?


Topic 2: Volume of Curved Figures

MATHbook Lesson 1: Drum Roll, Please!
MATHbook Lesson 2: Conse of Silence


Algebra 1

Module 1: Searching for Patterns

Topic 1: Quantities and Relationships

Lesson 3: f of x, Recognizing Functions and Function Families


Topic 2: Sequences

Lesson 1: Is there a Pattern Here?
Lesson 2: The Password is Operations!
Lesson 3: Did You Mean: Recursion?


Topic 3: Linear Regressions

Lesson 1: Like a Glove
Lesson 2: Gotta Keep It Correlatin’

Lesson 3: The Residual Effect
Lesson 4: To Fit or Not To Fit? That Is the Question!


Module 2: Exploring Constant Change

Topic 1: Linear Functions

Lesson 1: Connecting the Dots


Topic 2: Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1: Strike a Balance

Lesson 2: It’s Literally About Literal Equations

Lesson 3: Not All Statements Are Made Equal


Topic 3: Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 1: Double the Fun
Lesson 3: Throwing Shade
Lesson 4: Working with Constraints


Module 3: Investigating Growth and Decay

Topic 1: Introduction to Exponential Functions

Lesson 2: The Power Within


Topic 2: Using Exponential Equations

Lesson 4: BAC is BAD News


Module 4: Describing Distributions

Topic 1: One-Variable Statistics

Lesson 2: A Skewed Reality


Module 5: Maximizing and Minimizing

Topic 1: Introduction to Quadratic Functions

Lesson 1: Up and Down or Down and Up

Lesson 2: Endless Forms Most Beautiful

Lesson 4: You Lose Some, You Lose Some


Topic 2: Solving Quadratic Equations

Lesson 4: The Missing Link
Lesson 5: The Quadratic Formula



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